Portfolio Post 11 (Week 4): Sound
Music in our Opening
For now we have decided on My Boo by Ghost Town DJs to pose as a diegetic sound throughout the entire duration of our opening. This song is a subtle hint towards the mentality our stalker may have towards our protagonist without over doing it. Songs such as Somebody's Watching Me fulfill the same concept but do it in a more direct manner. One of the main lyrics that is looped many times is, "At night I think of you" and the song itself concludes the opening stanza with "I've been watching you". Both of these lines are able to be disguised sufficiently through the catchy rhythm and repeated lyrics, making listeners disregard the relationship of obsession these lyrics truly show. The song will begin in the second shot with a close up of a finger pressing play to convey that the song is happening inside the world we are portraying. We will also muffle the sound when our camera shifts to an outside perspective to further introduce this concept.
However, it has come to our attention that in the rubric it states any included music must be made by us, copyright free, or we must have obtained permission. I am working out how to reach out to their record label So So Def Columbia Records but they do not have a website or convenient contact information. While we try to figure out who exactly to contact for authorization, we have begun to brainstorm alternative options if this falls through. We can dive into the world of copyright free songs; whether that means mainstream or just a catchy instrumental we do not know. This is an issue we need to resolve soon because we cannot begin filming until we know what song our character is dancing/singing to.
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