Portfolio Post 13 (Week 5): Stumped
Running out of Writing
This week we finished up one of last week's posts on Monday because we were prolonging the completion of that draft until we got a chance to film to some extent. Walking into class today I took personal offense to the Active Board condemning me to another week plagued by blog posting. I understand the importance of documenting our process but some quick math adds up to 54 total paragraphs (assuming two paragraphs per post/27 total posts) which in my opinion is overkill. There is only so many new developments to document so I find myself often reworking the same information into different wordings. This process becomes very tedious and takes up a substantial amount of time not only to account for the writing itself but also the brainstorming on how we can possibly spin the same old information into new. Not only does this painful exercise take up much of class time it also conflicts with our time to plan in class together.
However, there is no solution to bypassing this situation and I doubt my complaining will suffice as some sorts of change for future students. The cure to these needless errands cannot be anything short of simply downsizing the work load. Some sorts of prompts would also give students a sense of direction and an accessible purpose for their writing rather than having to come up with one on their own. Vague recycled suggestions of detailing the production process or reflecting on key moments are not enough for the volume of posts. At this point it seems the quantity fair outweighs the quality; and as the student on the other side of the requirements it creates a negative connotation of wasted effort.
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