Portfolio Post 7 (Week 3) Preparation for Filming
Before we begin filming we must figure out setting, lighting, and camera elements. All of the filming will be taking place at my home so we eliminate lots of anxiety about being in an unsecured location; this way we don't have to worry about other people intruding on our project as we will have a 'closed set'. There will not need to be an excessive amount of alterations that need to be made as we are portraying a teenage girl whom happens to already inhabit the space we are recording. However, cleaning my room and bathroom would be worthwhile for aesthetics. We are filming at night so I will need to use trial and error to determine what types of artificial lighting will be sufficient and meet the standards of the conventional horror genre. In other words I doubt we will be using any bright and overhead lighting for the purpose of sustaining an environment that leads viewers into questioning the shadows that occupy the corners of the screen. For example my bathroom offers dimming light and my room is filled with lamps, both of which will excel in dimly lighting the opening.
As far as sound goes even though it will be silent when we are filming we will eliminate all sound from the clips themselves. Laying the song over the clips in post production will ensure the sound is in good quality and plays consecutively. Our character's clothes and makeup will probably consist of a bath robe and wet hair. Both of which will co-ordinate with the scenes in which she has exited the shower. No special props or makeup will be needed. For our antagonist I don't want to answer the inevitable question the viewers will have (whether) the intruder is human or not) so the dressing will consist of head to toe black to perpetuate the shadow/silhouette we are aiming for.
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