Portfolio Post 8 (Week 3): Reflecting So Far
Reflecting on Work Done and Expectations for the Future
So far we have been prioritizing our time in class to work on our blog posts. I feel somewhat immobilized by the burden of constantly having to write about the process because it seems to triumph the affair itself. We are suffering from a lack of time to collaborate in class because historically we end up diverting into working on our separate blogs. Of course, working together in school and progressing through the writing at home is an option but it does not come across as very feasible with all of the distractions and other tasks I am plagued with when I get to my residence. No matter how sure I am in the present moment that I will utilize my time wisely in the future, my tendency to procrastinate inflicts upon my productivity. This situation has fostered a scenario in which I seem to be taking over the project and making many of the creative choices myself My partner has not pledged any objections to my creation of the plot and she does not seem to diverge from my direction. Though this might not seem like an ideal scenario to some I thrive in this type of environment; I am able balance my need for jurisdiction while also having someone to talk to about what I'm thinking and bounce ideas off of.
For the future I am hoping that the mountain of written work is downsized prematurely so we can focus on planning together with greater depth. Now that we have the sequence of the opening figured out I can only hope filming goes well and everything comes together. I have access to a genuine camera to film on so worst case scenario we at least will have a well filmed opening in context of the quality. I am confident in our storyline but I am worried that the idea I have in my head will not be completely fulfilled because I have a habit of creating very high expectations. Hopefully the opening will, above all, make sense to viewers; the main inhibitor of this is that because we are creating just an opening our plot will not be completely fulfilled but only teased. Whenever I find my conviction faltering I remind myself that I have done an abundance of research and I have planned to the best of my abilities so we are as prepared as we could be to make the best project that we can.
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