Portfolio Post 16 (Week 6): Filming
Filming the bulk of our Opening
This weekend Jenna and I got together on Friday night to film the majority of the opening. We started with the scene that takes place outside of my window because my hair needed to be dry whereas for all the rest of our filming my hair would be wet. My mother and Jenna set up outside: Jenna's role was to be the shadow contrasting amongst the warm light omitting from my bedroom. Though we had a tri-pod the camera was a bit unsteady due to both the weight of the lens and the unlevel terrain it was set upon; so my mom took the substantial rule of holding on to it to keep it steady. After Jenna set up the angle and framing my mom was able to assume position. I was inside and the camera was outside so we communicated over the phone so I would know when we were starting/stopping. This was not a failproof method because unfortunately we lost contact a couple times but after a few tries we were satisfied with the shot.
The other sizeable shot we needed to film was the end scene that takes place in the kitchen. Jenna supplied us with strawberries and I got together chocolate chips to melt. Before we began filming I excused myself to go wet my hair and change into 'pajamas' to perpetuate the consecutive nature of our opening. The idea was that our main character would go from putting the chocolate in the microwave to slicing strawberries back to the microwave. While this was happening the reflection of something getting closer in the window of the microwave would demonstrate how the knife went missing. Thankfully a well lit hallway with a door at the end was exactly horizontal to the microwave when it's open. This allowed for a much easier viewing of the silhouette because it can contrast from the brightness behind it. It took us a couple of tries but we eventually perfected the shots. The rest of the 'filler' shots I will try to film this week and worst case scenario by the weekend so we can edit over spring break and right once we come back. To prioritize editing time in class I might instead work on our reflections and blog posts over spring break.
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