Portfolio Post 17 (Week 6): Viewing our Shots

 Watching the Filming We've Done so Far

    As I discussed in my last post we completed the bulk of our opening over this past weekend. We took quite a few takes of each shot so we would have options and hopefully at least one of them would be sufficient. Upon viewing the shots I was more than satisfied with our work. The only 'problems' I noticed was that the camera is a bit shaky even though it was resting on a tripod. I don't think it was too much though, and upon paying attention to films I've watched, often times their camera is overall steady but somewhat moves as well. The other tiny fault is that the lens of the camera we were using is quite zoomed in. While filming we adjusted our angles and space in between the subject and the camera to make up for this, but it wasn't until watching back we were able to view the true effects of the lens. I'm not sure if its related but the lens seemed to correlate to a struggle to focus the camera. 

    Much of the shots we watched back were either completely out of focus or transitioned in and out of focus on our subject. For example the scene we shot outside my window focused on primarily the silhouette rather than my bedroom. I wasn't happy with this because I wanted the antagonist to not be the main focus of the shot but rather much more subtle. Additionally, a scene we shot in the kitchen was completely occupied on the toaster oven resting in the back of our frame. Though we initially found it humorous, we were eventually plagued with frustration as time passed us by and we did not have sufficient work to show for it. After much trial and error we eventually got the lens to cooperate and fulfilled the shots we were planning on completing. 


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