Portfolio Post 19(week 7): Update over Spring Break

 Break Work

    My teacher so graciously did not count break as one of our eight weeks and consequentially he did not assign any work. Though I more than appreciated this decision I decided it would be smart to get ahead of the game (or catchup) over break. Especially considering, to my dismay, that I did not go out of town. I was hoping to accomplish all of the creative critical reflections that I could fulfill at this time, however the progress was realistically minimal. I've only completed a PowerPoint for one of the questions so I can record myself presenting it soon. Next week is not only the last week for working on our final but it is also jam packed with both plans and a load of schoolwork for other classes so I figured my procrastination from last week needs to be eliminated throughout the next several days. The 'getting-started' is always the hardest part but once I've begun I find it pretty easy to stay focused. Though it might be looked down upon by researchers, I find it exceptionally helpful to have a movie or tv show going on in the background as mostly noise. I can somehow manage to both pay attention to my writing and follow along with whatever it is that's playing. 

    The work I did manage to accomplish over the break was more filming. We finished the last shots I had planned and I also figured it would be a good idea to film a couple of 'filler' scenes just in case we put our opening together and it doesn't quite land at two minutes. Those scenes include me exiting both my bedroom and the bathroom, brushing my teeth, turning on light switches, and two separate shots of the shower. My confidence in our project is not great as I'm worried the lack of dialogue and constant shots of the back of my head make the opening both hard to follow and not personal. I was hoping the choice to film much of it from behind our character would give a greater sense of fear to our audience as they would hopefully imagine themselves in this position; unbeknownst to something possibly lurking behind them. We still struggled with the shots being both focused and unmoving due to the lens but in the end I was satisfied with the majority of the shots.


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